公平证券 公平期货


1. 对于股票 已经暂停交易, 按值将于T +2后会自动设定为0%

2. 任何股票作为抵押而被暂停交易超过3个工作日,客户必须平仓或补仓, 并将户口结余保持于安全的水平(例如结欠金额低于最高贷款额)

Treatment for Suspend Stock in compliance manual
1.    For the stocks, the trading of which has been suspended; a margin ratio of 0% will be automatically assigned to that stock after T+2.

2.    Any stock pledged as collateral which is suspended over 3 business days, the outstanding by acquiring the said share must be settled on the third day from the day of suspension.